Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Digital Fluency Intensive Week 3

DAY THREE - 8th August  2018

Based at Taipa Area School Today. I arranged for the Y11 Students to make Raspberry and white Chocolate Muffins for the group.Another great day with lots of learning. Everything useful and helpful.
Today we explored the idea of Create - I find this so natural as I am teaching in a practical subject. I know how much the students enjoy creating food in the food practical sessions.

  • What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy? Dorothy explained the concept of ' Create' Her slideshow had some great information about the Maniaiakalani philosophy. It was good to be reminded that tasks dont have to be an actual physical written activity. Create includes videos of students doing, making molding and creating beyond a written piece.
  • What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional? I am sure that in time I am going to have an orderly email set up. A well organised Drive, with access to loads of good tools. Today using the youtube account I have started a collection of neat good morning short clips to show at Whanau time.I have Made a Screencastify, which is shared below. Importantly too - I have been supported and helped by my colleague in the seat next door ( Gaylene)
  • What did I learn that could be used with my learners , capability or workflow in my personal life? I envisioning using the google draw function a lot! I enjoyed making the 'about me' button.


                     I also used the google draw to make a basic Junior Resource!
                    ................................And I tested  embedding a Screencastify


  1. Thank you Karren for organising the lovely morning tea. I agree with the comments you made about how Dorothy explained the create pedagogy in Manaiakalani. It was also very reassuring for me as a New Entrant Teacher to hear that presentation.

  2. Hi Karen,
    I have to agree with you regarding the meaning of 'Create'. I am absolutely loving that we are discovering more creative ways of delivering motivating and engaging learning opportunities for our students. Look at you - you've created buttons, youtube playlists, used screencastify - it's so exciting!
    I'm unable to watch your screencast however, you might need to change the permissions to 'unlisted'?
    As my students say, 'blog you later'.
    P.S LOVED the muffins from your students. Tino Reka!
    Nga Mihi
    Na Gaylene

  3. CREATE is such an exciting component of our teaching I fear we have to rediscover as it has been sidelined for some time...bring it back wholesale. I am enjoying these reflections on your work. Makes me think about ARINUI??? Maybe a link to your site?
