Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Regular Blogging

Term 3   2018 - Week 10

Regular Blog spot - Wednesday 26th September 2018

Having participated in the Nine week Maniaiakalani program, I am 'synchronized' with Wednesday blogging and have noticed myself planning the blog post for this week.
My Professional shifts this week, involve; Attending the Mana potential staff PD on Friday 21st Sept, adding tasks to the Tai Auaha Site, and improving student capabilities with writing particularly - literacy.

This day was useful as a chance to review our classroom practices in relation to consistency with classroom rules and the ways we can encourage students to be following our school values. I developed a student self checking tool to share with staff. The triangle design has the school values images and some prompts for students to be ready for learning.

TAI AUAHA SITE -I have been successful adding to the team site, adding a slide show (Rice topic) and linking some tasks to this. My wonderings about this long does it take the students to do tasks when they work on-line. As I will not be prompting the learning.

I have also experimented with prompting writing from the Y9 Food technology class, as school wide we are focusing on literacy and levels of writing. I have started the new topic burgers, I am aiming to gather three pieces of writing during the term. I hope to have help from the literacy team to use the rubrics for assessing the levels. My goals is to improve the writing and capacity for students to attain at the suggested curriculum level in Technology, by assisting them to access suitable descriptive language. This is especially important for describing the product, when students are undertaking 'outcome development and evaluation' tasks.

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Last Session - Maniaiakalani

Digital Fluency Intensive Week 9

DAY Nine - Wednesday 19th September 2018

The picture below is the Y13 Student cohort TAS -In term 4 2018 - I will support this group of students to complete the Te Paki Stream coastal walk. 
The point is - well beyond the classroom the students are influenced by us. I am already connected to many students or ex students through social media.  I am still in-contact with students whom I taught over 10 years ago via Facebook. 

Ubiquitous learning? My example, refers to my encouragement - and the  un-measurable ....subjective influence that follows our youths as they  go of into the 'adult world' with my support.

This week I have prepped the google + educator exam. I also thinking about  about the application of the new knowledge that I have acquired through both the MindLab course, that I completed in July, and the last 9 weeks of Maniaiakalani . I am feeling much more ready to be helping students in modern learning environments.

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy? The preparation for the exam consolidated lots about the last 9 weeks. I am feeling like a lot has falling into place and that this is influencing my classroom positively. I am excited to get things working and use my site, but I am aware that I will need to do some planning and organisation to enable all of the resources to be ready.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional? I have learned that many of the resources that I will need exist already and can be adapted; I dont have to completely invent the wheel.

What did I learn that could be used with my learners, capability or workflow in my personal life? I am sure that I am going to be able to implement the learning and continue to motivate learners to achieve positively in the classroom. I feel like I am 'up -to -speed' and able to assist my learners, who dont actually know much about the digital world sometimes.
I have a mindset now where I am willing to test trial and embrace. I am also aware that 'things wont always work.. I have some safe 'fall back' learning tasks.

Another realization is that as a result of this courses I now feel more resolved with the issues surrounding digital footprint, and our interactions in the digital world. I was concerned about privacy but I have realized that my relationships with students already extend beyond the school gate in this digital world.
We will continue to affect each other for a long time and that this is all part of Ubiquitous learning. Therefore- I have added the image below- a picture that I took this morning on the school grounds - I have filtered, cropped and downloaded to add it to my blog site.
This is a representation of the Kaupapa I now feel that I am practicing; through Maniaiakalani; I have a suite that assist me to manage and check my work and interactions.



Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Digital Fluency Intensive Week 8

DAY Eight - Wednesday 12th September 2018

Today's session was hosted at Waitangi in the learning center. I had so much fun working with a buddy using different creative apps.
I am proud of the video creation a combination of different tools - while i had alot if help... it was fun to see the end result.

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy? The two tutors gave me heaps of help to use the various tools to create images and videos. I had fun working wit Jasmine to make a cool underwater scene.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional? I was pleased with the outcome though I am still unsure about how some of the file types are converted.However is good to know that just by 'playing' its possible to work it out.

What did I learn that could be used with my learners, capability or workflow in my personal life? Having knowledge of the possibilities is so good. I am still thinking about the applications for some of the digital tools. I can see that its an advantage to have i-pads and I will talk to my primary school colleagues at work about learning more about using these.

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Digital Fluency Intensive Week 7

DAY Seven - Wednesday 5th September 2018

Today started out looking at learning sites.We viewed a number of sites - most of the sites are for Junior & Primary school.  Those we viewed were teachers who have have had a site set up for some time. 
I had made a start some months ago on making a site, but hadn't progressed it at all so 
today It was good to get some information about how to get underway with developing the pages & buttons and to add some links.I had success and I am enthused about the possibilities.

I was able to create some buttons and make links to learning.

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy? The exemplars and explanations by Clarell helped me to clarify how to set out the site. I took a large piece of paper and planned the layout. This was enormously helpful as a start point. I was able to then start learning the processes, as I haven't been able to progress since i wanted things straight in my mind before I started out the making!

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional? I was able to do something...I have been stuck! Today I made progress and felt encouraged!

What did I learn that could be used with my learners, capability or workflow in my personal life? I will be able to set up and have learning activities available for my learners. I am especially interested in rewindable learning.I would like to have videos available that evidence my cookery demonstrations. These 'snippets' can assist stud nets who didn't get the information first time.
The following is an example of a video clip- the first of many little learning tasks that I can publish to the sites.